The 6,000 container ships that traverse the oceans daily create 235 decibels each of anthropogenic noise every day, causing a domino effect on marine life.

To put that into perspective, 235 decibels is 2 times louder than an airplane takeoff which is 3 trillion times louder than perceived loudness.

Noise pollution disrupts marine life function

Marine life, including whales, dolphins, and fish, rely heavily on sound for essential life functions like communication, locating mates and prey, and navigation. The anthropogenic noise, characterized by its intensity and frequency, interferes with these natural sounds, leading to behavioural and physiological changes, injury, and even death.

Noise pollution in the ocean has doubled every year for the past 60 years in the because of industrialization.

<aside> 💡 Sound in the ocean

Underwater noise significantly impacts the marine ecosystem and therefore people


Sonic pollution decreases marine biodiversity which causes further issues for the human population

Status Quo Solutions Only Lessen Noise Instead of Eliminating

Sound absorbent materials: Using sound absorbing materials, that have low noise and vibration levels such as fibreglass, and mineral wool aids in reducing cavitation which are bubbles formed from the cargo ship propellers and a major cause of cargo ship noise pollution, as well as the radiated noise. Steel coils are placed between machinery and the ship’s hull to reduce machinery noise. Though these materials only lessen sound, they do not eliminate it.

Current Obstacles: